Saturday, August 28, 2010

School, being sick, and helping on a new blog

Hey guys! I started school! I started Tuesday haha. Well I now have pink eye and Sinus Infection :(. And I'm gonna be helping on a new blog with my sissy! It's about school tips. I'll post the link in my next post once it's up! See ya later!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Starting of blog!

Hey!! This is the starting of my blog. Let's list things about me so you can get to know me! I'm 11, I go on xat, I have a lot of friends, I'm a girl, I love purple, hot pink, blue, and black, my name is Hannah, I have a facebook, I LOVE hanging out with my friends, I'm a fun person when you get to know me ;), I love music, it is my life, I love taking pictures, I love texting and talking, I love camping, I love dancing, I hate being bored, I can get a complex migraine and go to the ER (because it can mimic a stroke/seizure), I love grape gatorade, I can only have one chocolate thing per day now because of my complex migraines, I go on blogs and chats to talk to my friends (on cpskool), but most of all... I love my boyfriend :)... His name is Max and he is the love of my life... I can't live without him! I never had someone who loved me so much! I'm sad though... Happy I may have only known you for a short while... But I think your a great friend :D... Don't forget us at cpskool! I'll miss you! Bye Happy!
